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Test email rendering - HTML raw source or HTML pre send?

I am testing some HTML email layout, I am not sure to understand which is the HTML I should consider:

  • use the HTML as it is sent from my server to mailgun (an email service provider)?
  • use the HTML as I receive it in raw format in the email I receive?

The difference is that in the raw source I receive there are =3D and =20 characters because of the quoted printable format. I'm using testi@ but I suppose any rendering software will do, just it's not clear which version of the HTML should be used (needless to say I see =20 everywhere if it's raw, whereas it's perfect if I use the "pure" HTML)


  • You should use the HTML as it is before being sent. I'm unsure of how testi@ works but with other services such as Litmus & Email on Acid you can send a test to them directly from your ESP and they will process that for the previews.

    [Added from comment on question to allow close]