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How to run an Azure Log Analytics query from a Powershell script non interactively?


  • I have an Azure account (MSDN benefits).
  • I have a console application sending custom AppInsights metrics to my AppInsights workspace.

I would like to query these metrics from a PowerShell script.

I did try to find a solution by googling for it - no success. Not that there is no posts about the subject - I am just unable to make it work following these posts.

The gist of the problem is how to do it without user interaction.


  • You can use Azure Application Insights REST API to get these metrics.

    Steps as below:

    step 1: Get the Application ID and an API key.

    Nav to your application insights -> API Access, see the screenshot(Please remember, when the api key is generated, write it down): enter image description here

    step 2: In powershell, input the following cmdlet(the example code for fetching customEvents count):

    Invoke-WebRequest -Uri
    nt?timespan=P20D -Headers @{"accept"="application/json"; "x-api-key"="your_api_key"}

    Result as below: enter image description here

    The details of the REST API is here.