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Print Powerpoint Slide from Python

I'm trying to print out a slide from Powerpoint. I've accessed the slide using the following code:

from win32com import client
powerpoint = client.Dispatch("Powerpoint.Application")
presentation = powerpoint.presentations.Open(filepath)
slide = presentation.Slides[10]
print(  # Just to check I have in fact got the slide

When printing Word docs I can just call PrintOut() on the document but it doesn't seem to work for Powerpoint.

Does anyone have any solutions?


prints the entire presentation, but I just want a specific slide.


  • Ok I figured out I can specify a range using:

    presentation.PrintOut(From=1, To=1)

    And I can iterate the slides to match the name using a loop:

    count = 1
    for slide in presentation.Slides:
        if == "Slide1":
            presentation.PrintOut(From=count, To=count)
        count += 1