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Laravel Nova - Display text area content without option show content

I would like to display text area resource field content always without showing option "Show Content" or display it by default.

enter image description here

Is it possible?


  • As of v1.1.4

    There is now an option to always show.


    As of v1.0.19

    You cannot. If you take a look at the TextareaField.vue (nova/resources/js/components/Detail/TextareaField.vue):

        <panel-item :field="field">
            <template slot="value">
                <excerpt :content="field.value" />

    Then if you take a look at Excerpt.vue (nova/resources/js/components/Excerpt.vue):

    <div v-if="hasContent">
        <div v-if="expanded" class="markdown leading-normal" v-html="content" />
            class="cursor-pointer dim inline-block text-primary font-bold"
            :class="{ 'mt-6': expanded }"
            {{ showHideLabel }}

    And the props of the vue:

    props: {
        content: {
            type: String,
    data: () => ({ expanded: false }),

    There's no option to pass the expanded attribute.