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Kubernetes with private docker registry v2

I am trying to setup a private docker registry to work with Kubernetes. I've setup the registry and the master-server thats running the Kubernetes cluster can pull images from the registry without a problem. Also, I've followed the docs of Kubernetes that explain how to connect to a private docker registry (see

However, when I try to pull images from the docker registry through Kubernetes I get the following error:

Failed to pull image "": rpc error: code = Unknown desc = Error response from daemon: Get x509: certificate signed by unknown authority

What I noticed is that the link that ends with v1/_ping is incorrect, it should be v2/_ping.

I ran the following command to generate my regcred:

kubectl create secret docker-registry regcred --docker-server="" --docker-username=xxxxx --docker-password=xxxxxx [email protected]

I also googled a bit and found this:

These suggestions, unfortunately, it didn't help, but they do indicate that more people face the same issue.

Does someone know how to correctly setup a docker registry v2 with Kubernetes?



  • Solved this issue, the master-server by default doesn't launch your deployments. So I needed to do the following at my slave servers:

    1. Add the certificate to /etc/docker/certs.d/[:port]/ca.crt
    2. Do docker login[:port]
    3. Add the docker registry secret to Kubernetes (see or v1 depending on what you run
    4. Now it will successfully pull images from the docker registry.

    Hope it will help someone.