I have 1 unmanaged C++ dll with dllexport functions and 3 managed C# application that use unmanaged dll functions with dllimport , okay everything works fine.
I need to know in C++ dll , How can I get a value that tells me which C# application called it from outside.
please look at image below :
- now,when client.exe calls function1 from unmanaged dll , a message shows up "client.exe called me!"
- now,when console.exe calls function1 from unmanaged dll , a message shows up "console.exe called me!"
- now,when pure.exe calls function1 from unmanaged dll , a message shows up "pure.exe called me!"
I need unmanaged library finds out it by its own, I don't want send anything extra from C# application like getting C# file path and send it to function.
Can it be possible? if yes , How can I do it?
This should work:
constexpr DWORD bufsize = 32768;
WCHAR *calling_application = new WCHAR [bufsize];
DWORD nSize = GetModuleFileNameW (NULL, calling_application, bufsize);
if (nSize == 0 || nSize == bufsize)
// panic, should never happen
// ...
delete [] calling_application;
Documentation here: