Going through the python tutorial, in section 4.7.1, a mutable default argument is stored somewhere but I can't seem to find it using dir()
, globals()
, locals()
or f.__dict__
. I'm referring to this code:
def f(a, L=[]):
return L
behaves as:
>>> print(f(1))
>>> print(f(2))
[1, 2]
>>> print(f(3))
[1, 2, 3]
I would expect to see this in the namespace of the function, say when I do dir(f)
but it is not there.
I had a look at this but this is way more than I'm probably looking for.
As per the Python Data Model:
A tuple containing default argument values for those arguments that have defaults, or None if no arguments have a default value
>>> def foo(a=[]):
... a.append(1)
... foo()
... foo.__defaults__
There is also __kwdefaults__
for keyword-only arguments.
>>> def foo(a=1, *, b=2):
... pass
... foo.__defaults__, foo.__kwdefaults__
((1,), {'b': 2})
Note that things in Python are not necessarily stored anywhere accessible. For example, the reference count of an object is not available as an attribute. It only exists in the C layer of the CPython implementation and requires builtin magic to access.
In fact, __defaults__
is not a "real" attribute either. It is a builtin property fetching the defaults from wherever the implementation stores them.
# python3
>>> type(foo).__defaults__
<attribute '__defaults__' of 'function' objects>
# pypy3
>>>> type(foo).__defaults__
<getset_descriptor object at 0x00000001110adc98>