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Stuck on where to insert a line break when there are no quotation marks

I'v done a code challenge and one of the extras was write a line of code that prints the previous result (which I have done)


but it also says to put a line break between each returned value. So for example the var 'year' returns an int and that int gets printed a certain amount of times depending on what the users input is.

I just can't figure out where the '\n' will go in this line of code.



  • You could use a simple loop:

    for _ in range(number):

    This will insert the \n by default - as each print is a seperate command and the default end=\n parameter to print applies.

    Patrick Haugh beat me by 50sec to use the print-commands parameter sep that lets you specify what to put between printed values:


    This prints a newline between each of the numbers - by default it prints a single space.

    You could put the collected numbers in a list, decomposit the list in its element and print them with a \n seperator:

    year = 18
    number= 3
    print( *[year]*number ,sep="\n")

    More can be found in the