I am fairly new to OpenCV 3+ in Python. It looks to me that FileStorage under Python does not support, for example, a writeObj() method. Is it possible to save the SimpleBlobDetector_create to an XML or YAML file using OpenCV 3+ in Python? Another way to put it is this: using Python OpenCV, can I save XML/YAML data that is not a numpy array or a scalar (e.g. an object)?
I was making the problem much harder than necessary. The solution is simple:
# Setup SimpleBlobDetector parameters.
params = cv.SimpleBlobDetector_Params()
# Change desired parameters
params.minThreshold = 20
params.maxThreshold = 220
# Create the blob detector
detect = cv.SimpleBlobDetector_create(params)
# Write detector parameters to .yml file
fs_write = cv.FileStorage('blob_params_modified.yml',
You can read this file in as input instead of fiddling with the code every time you want to tweak a parameter.