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Amcharts setting column bars to a specific color is not working

I am using amcharts. I need to set the column/bar color to a specific color.

I tried with many attempts like:

  • "ColorField" : "color"
  • "FillColorField" : "color"

But nothing is working for me.

My JSFiddle

Not sure, what I am missing. Any suggestion would be highly appreciated!


  • You can add a color attribute to each chartData2 element. Now, in graphs options you can add:

    colorField": "color"

    That means to take the color attribute from chartData2 while drawing each bar.

    var chartData2 = [{
        "month": "Apr 2018",
        "peekValue": "60.5",
        "averageValue": "33.40",
        "color": "#ff0000",
        "color1": "#008000"
    }, {
        "month": "May 2018",
        "peekValue": "66",
        "averageValue": "34.05",
        "color": "#ff0000",
        "color1": "#008000"
    }, {
        "month": "Jun 2018",
        "peekValue": "74.5",
        "averageValue": "34.45",
        "color": "#ff0000",
        "color1": "#008000"
    }, {
        "month": "Jul 2018",
        "peekValue": "76",
        "averageValue": "33.77",
        "color": "#ff0000",
        "color1": "#008000"
    }, {
        "month": "Aug 2018",
        "peekValue": "71.33",
        "averageValue": "34.60",
        "color": "#ff0000",
        "color1": "#008000"
    }, {
        "month": "Sep 2018",
        "peekValue": "60.17",
        "averageValue": "33.99",
        "color": "#ff0000",
        "color1": "#008000"
    AmCharts.makeChart("chartdiv", {
        "type": "serial",
        "theme": "light",
        "dataProvider": chartData2,
        "valueAxes": [{
            "position": "left",
            "unit": "%",
            "title": "Memory Usage Trends"
        "graphs": [{
            "id": "g1",
            "fillAlphas": 0.9,
            "valueField": "peekValue",
            "lineAlpha": 0.8,
            "type": "column",
            "colorField": "color",
            "balloonText": "<div style='margin:5px; font-size:12px;'>Peek Usage: <b>[[value]]%</b></div>"
                "id": "g2",
                "fillAlphas": 0.9,
                "lineAlpha": 0.8,
                "type": "column",
                "valueField": "averageValue",
                "balloonText": "<div style='margin:5px; font-size:12px;'>Average Usage: <b>[[value]]%</b></div>",
                "colorField": "color1",
        "chartCursor": {
            "categoryBalloonDateFormat": "JJ:NN, DD MMMM",
            "cursorPosition": "mouse"
        "categoryField": "month",
        "categoryAxis": {
        "export": {
            "enabled": true,
            "menu": []
    #chartdiv {
        width: 100%;
        height: 500px;
    <script src=""></script>
    <script src=""></script>
    <script src=""></script>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="" type="text/css" media="all" />
    <script src=""></script>
    <script src=""></script>
    <div id="chartdiv"></div>