gem 'rails', ''
class Property < Accommodation
has_many :attachments, as: :attached_item, dependent: :destroy
class Accommodation < ActiveRecord::Base;
class Attachment < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :attached_item, polymorphic: true
The association works totally fine in rails 4.2
Property Load (0.9ms) SELECT "accommodations".* FROM "accommodations" WHERE "accommodations"."type" IN ('Property') ORDER BY "accommodations"."id" DESC LIMIT 1
Attachment Load (0.5ms) SELECT "attachments".* FROM "attachments" WHERE "attachments"."attached_item_id" = $1 AND "attachments"."attached_item_type" = $2 [["attached_item_id", 1], ["attached_item_type", "Property"]]
Similar association in Rails 5.0
class CustomInquiry < ApplicationRecord;
class ChildInquiry < CustomInquiry
has_many :text_histories, as: :mailed_item, dependent: :delete_all
class TextHistory < ApplicationRecord
belongs_to :mailed_item, polymorphic: true
2.4.0 :002 > ChildInquiry.last.text_histories
ChildInquiry Load (1.2ms) SELECT "custom_inquiries".* FROM "custom_inquiries" WHERE "custom_inquiries"."type" IN ('ChildInquiry') ORDER BY "custom_inquiries"."id" DESC LIMIT $1 [["LIMIT", 1]]
TextHistory Load (0.4ms) SELECT "text_histories".* FROM "text_histories" WHERE "text_histories"."mailed_item_id" = $1 AND "text_histories"."mailed_item_type" = $2 [["mailed_item_id", 197], ["mailed_item_type", "CustomInquiry"]]
But here the second query should run like--
TextHistory Load (0.4ms) SELECT "text_histories".* FROM "text_histories" WHERE "text_histories"."mailed_item_id" = $1 AND "text_histories"."mailed_item_type" = $2 [["mailed_item_id", 197], ["mailed_item_type", "ChildInquiry"]]
Can anyone help me with what is get updated in rails 5 and any monkey patch to override it.
Latest version of ActiveRecord uses the base class in the association, so when we use STI then it takes base class instead of current class.
So for solving this you can use Gem gem "store_base_sti_class"
It will use the current class in ActiveRecord association.
Here is the github link