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How to efficiently convert a set of geohashes into a polygon?

I have been looking for a efficient way to convert a set of geohashes into polygons in Python, besides sometimes I obtain multipolygons instead of polygons, probably because some inner geohashes are missing. I am currently using python-geohash and shapely and my approach consists in the following steps:

  1. I convert each geohash into a polygon by extracting its corner coordinates.

    def to_polygon(geohash):
        box = Geohash.bbox(geohash)
        return Polygon([(box['e'], box['n']), (box['w'], box['n']), (box['w'], box['s']), (box['e'], box['s'])])
  2. Then I map over the iterable of geohashes performing previous explained transformation.

    polygons = [to_polygon(geohash) for geohash in geohashes]
  3. Finally, I combine all those polygons into a single one, by using polygon's method union.

    polygon = functools.reduce(lambda a, b: a.union(b), polygons)

If the set of geohashes is around some thousands it may take few minutes.


  • I created a library (polygon-geohasher) to achieve this:

    from polygon_geohasher.polygon_geohasher import geohashes_to_polygon
    geohashes = ['9bc1db2',
    polygon = geohashes_to_polygon(geohashes)
    # POLYGON ((-99.71878051757812 4.483795166015625, -99.71878051757812 4.482421875, -99.72015380859375 4.482421875, -99.72152709960938 4.482421875, -99.722900390625 4.482421875, -99.722900390625 4.483795166015625, -99.722900390625 4.48516845703125, -99.722900390625 4.486541748046875, -99.72152709960938 4.486541748046875, -99.72015380859375 4.486541748046875, -99.71878051757812 4.486541748046875, -99.71878051757812 4.48516845703125, -99.71878051757812 4.483795166015625))