Why does this:
Private [Function] As Func(Of Double, String) = Function(ByRef z As Double) z.ToString
gives the following error:
Nested function does not have a signature that is compatible with delegate String)'.
While this:
Private [Function] As Func(Of Double, String) = Function(ByVal z As Double) z.ToString
Does not? (The difference is ByRef/ByVal)
Furthermore, how might I implement such a thing?
You are getting this error because the delegate type Function (ByVal z As Double) As String is not compatible with Function (ByRef z As Double) As String. You need exact match.
Also you can't declare the Func(Of ...) generic delegate with ByRef parameters (ref or out in C#), no matter are you using anonymous function or not.
But you can declare you delegate type and then use it even with your anonymous function
Delegate Function ToStringDelegate(ByRef value As Double) As String
Sub Main()
Dim Del As ToStringDelegate = Function(ByRef value As Double) value.ToString()
End Sub
or you can use implicit typing (if the Option Infer is turned on)
Dim Del = Function(ByRef value As Double) value.ToString()