Ok, mac scripts are completely new to me, and I have no idea how to debug this.
I have installed wine from the pkg (not from brew etc) and installed heidisql with wine.
As per instructions, I created this in the mac script editor, saved it as "application" and copied it to Applications folder.
NOTE: I can run heidisql by running "wine stable" in the launcher, then typing in
wine "$HOME/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/HeidiSQL/heidisql.exe"
The script which doesn't work:
on run
--edit this to be the correct location and file to run (typically only edit after the "drive_c")
set toRun to "$HOME/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/HeidiSQL/heidisql.exe"
--edit winePrefix if you are not using the default prefix
set winePrefix to "$HOME/.wine"
--edit wineLocation if your wine install is not the default location
set wineLocation to "/usr/local/bin"
--edit dyldFallbackLibraryPath to your X11 lib folder, this one is set for XQuartz on 10.6+
set dyldFallbackLibraryPath to "/opt/X11/lib"
set toRunPath to do shell script "WINEPREFIX=\"" & winePrefix & "\"; TEMPVAR=\"" & toRun & "\"; echo \"${TEMPVAR%/*}\""
set toRunFile to do shell script "WINEPREFIX=\"" & winePrefix & "\"; TEMPVAR=\"" & toRun & "\"; TEMPVAR2=\"" & toRunPath & "\"; echo \"${TEMPVAR#$TEMPVAR2/}\""
do shell script "PATH=\"" & wineLocation & ":$PATH\"; export WINEPREFIX=\"" & winePrefix & "\"; export DYLD_FALLBACK_LIBRARY_PATH=\"" & dyldFallbackLibraryPath & "\"; cd \"" & toRunPath & "\"; wine \"" & toRunFile & "\" > /dev/null 2>&1 &"
end run
However, when I run the application script by double-clicking on it in the application folder, it flashes up the script icon in the taskbar, then does nothing. Any idea what's wrong, or how to debug?
Final solution. Did "which wine" to find out where the installer put it, and replaced /usr/bin/local in script.
on run
--edit this to be the correct location and file to run (typically only edit after the "drive_c")
set toRun to "$HOME/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/HeidiSQL/heidisql.exe"
--edit winePrefix if you are not using the default prefix
set winePrefix to "$HOME/.wine"
--edit wineLocation if your wine install is not the default location
-- set wineLocation to "/usr/local/bin"
set wineLocation to "/Applications/Wine Stable.app/Contents/Resources/wine/bin/"
--edit dyldFallbackLibraryPath to your X11 lib folder, this one is set for XQuartz on 10.6+
set dyldFallbackLibraryPath to "/opt/X11/lib"
set toRunPath to do shell script "WINEPREFIX=\"" & winePrefix & "\"; TEMPVAR=\"" & toRun & "\"; echo \"${TEMPVAR%/*}\""
set toRunFile to do shell script "WINEPREFIX=\"" & winePrefix & "\"; TEMPVAR=\"" & toRun & "\"; TEMPVAR2=\"" & toRunPath & "\"; echo \"${TEMPVAR#$TEMPVAR2/}\""
do shell script "PATH=\"" & wineLocation & ":$PATH\"; export WINEPREFIX=\"" & winePrefix & "\"; export DYLD_FALLBACK_LIBRARY_PATH=\"" & dyldFallbackLibraryPath & "\"; cd \"" & toRunPath & "\"; wine \"" & toRunFile & "\" > /dev/null 2>&1 &"
end run