I am trying to use Google My Business API C# Client Library: https://developers.google.com/my-business/samples/ in order to get real-time notifications for Location and Reviews. I have followed the steps provided at: https://developers.google.com/my-business/content/notification-setup#get_started . But I am stuck at point 5) Account.updateNotifications.
I am receiving this error: "{Parameter validation failed for \"name\"}"
I am able to use the same "name" parameter to fetch the Account, Locations, Review etc. successfully, but it's not working with Notifications. I am attaching the code below.
string name = "accounts/1234567890132456"
var notification = new Notifications
TopicName = "projects/gmbproject/topics/notification_topic",
NotificationTypes = new List<string>
//Get Notifications Settings
var response = await GMBService.Accounts.GetNotifications(name).ExecuteAsync();
//Update Notifications Settings
var updateNotificationRequest = GMBService.Accounts.UpdateNotifications(notification, name);
var updateNotificationReponse = await updateNotificationRequest.ExecuteAsync();
If someone had this issue, please help me to figure out this issue. Thanks!
Found the solution.
I am using the name as:
string name = "accounts/1234567890132456"
I should be using:
string name = "accounts/1234567890132456/notifications"