How to convert string value in milliseconds to the string of date format as "2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00"
? (inlcuding offset with Z)
I believe that "2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00"
is Golang’s way to specify a date-time format. An ISO 8601 format to be more precise. The actual formatted string would be like for example 2018-09-19T00:26:42-05:00
. So use DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("uuuu-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssXXX")
or just DatetimeFormatter.ISO_OFFSET_DATE_TIME
(and no substitutions after the formatter has formatted the string).
This goes in two steps:
to the desired time zone and format it.The challenge is with the second step. Offsets have signs, positive or negative, and the standard formatting options for offsets include either -
or +
(except that offset zero is sometimes written as just Z
without sign). Here’s my go at the whole thing:
ZoneId zone = ZoneId.of("America/Denver");
DateTimeFormatter firstShotFormatter
= DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("uuuu-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'xxx");
String milliseconds = "1136239445000";
Instant pointInTime = Instant.ofEpochMilli(Long.parseLong(milliseconds));
String firstShot = pointInTime.atZone(zone).format(firstShotFormatter);
// Offset should be negative
if (firstShot.contains("Z-")) {
// Remove minus sign from formatted offset
String result = firstShot.replace("Z-", "Z");
System.out.println("Formatted string: " + result);
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException(
"Don’t know how to format a positive offset from UTC");
The output from this snippet is:
Formatted string: 2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00
I have tentatively guessed that your offset of Z07:00
referred to North American Mountain Time, which is at offset -07:00 in January. Please check. I didn’t know how to handle a positive offset, so my code checks that it doesn’t occur.
I find the format you asked for peculiar. It ressembles ISO 8601 with its characteristic T
between the date and the time part. But to the best of my knowledge ISO 8601 would have the offset as either Z
(for zero) or signed, for example -07:00
, never a mixture of those. You may want to check if you can persuade the receiver of your formatted string to accept a straight ISO 8601 string instead. I’d find this much cleaner and in the end easier to understand for all parties.