I have segments and I want them to act as tabs. I tried using react-navigation
of each segment but it doesn't look nice.
I want the segments to stay fixed at the top and on clicking each one the content should change or call a specific component without reloading or noticing that the screen has changed.
<Button first>
<Button last active>
<Text>Awesome segment</Text>
Segments can be customized as a react-navigation
single screen separated into multiple components which can be rendered on demand.
(Using native-base components)
state = {
selectComponent = (activePage) => () => this.setState({activePage})
_renderComponent = () => {
if(this.state.activePage === 1)
return <Component1/> //... Your Component 1 to display
return <Component2/> //... Your Component 2 to display
render() {
return (
<Left />
<Button active={this.state.activePage === 1}
onPress={this.selectComponent(1)}><Text>Component 1</Text></Button>
<Button active={this.state.activePage === 2}
onPress= {this.selectComponent(2)}><Text>Component 2</Text></Button>
<Content padder>
You can customize it to add more components based on the conditions set above
Supposing you navigate to a particular screen that also contains Segment
, the on some item button click you can do
this.props.navigation.navigate('OtherSegmentScreen', {activePage: this.state.activePage})
And on that page receive the props
const {navigate} = this.props.navigation
const previousActiveSegment = navigate.getParams('activePage', '1') //... 1 is default value that you can set