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Python mixin/decorator/__metaclass__ for base class enhancement

I am implementing a content-aware caching system for a Django REST API. I would like to develop a component which can be added to existing views that would modify the behavior of the base class by checking the cache and falling back to the base class behavior on a miss.

basically, I have something like this:

class Base:
   def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
       return Response

class AnotherBase:
   def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
       return Response

class Derived(Base):

class OtherDerived(AnotherBase):

and my initial thought was to do something along the lines of

class Cacheable:
    def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
       cache_key = self.get_cache_key(request)
       base_get = #.... and this is the problem
       return cache.get(cache_key, base_get(request, *args, **kwargs))

    def get_cache_key(self, request):
       # .... do stuff

class Derived(Cacheable, Base):

class AnotherDerived(Cacheable, AnotherBase):

So clearly this doesn't work, as I don't know how, or if it's possible, or if it's advisable to access the sibling superclass(es) from a mixin.

My goal is an implementation that allows me to add caching behavior to existing views without touching the internals of the existing classes. Given a view class, C, s.t. C.get(request, *args, **kwargs) -> Response, is there a function, F, s.t. F(C).get(... does the cache check before falling back to C.get? And in this quasi-formal notation, we'll say that adding a mixin to the leftmost parent class in the class definition counts as a function.

Is it more appropriate to use method decorators? or how would a class decorator work?

And then I've seen references to __metaclass__ in researching this, but I'm not clear on what that approach looks like.

This is Python 3.6


  • The answer was a decorator and some Django-specific libraries.

    from django.utils.decorators import method_decorator
    from django.core.cache import cache
    def cached_get(cache_key_func=None):
        Decorator to be applied via django.utils.decorators.method_decorator
        Implements content-aware cache fetching by decorating the "get" method
        on a django View
        :param cache_key_func: a function of fn(request, *args, **kwargs) --> String
        which determines the cache key for the request
        def decorator(func):
            def cached_func(request, *args, **kwargs):
                assert cache_key_func is not None, "cache_key_function is required"
                key = cache_key_func(request, *args, **kwargs)
                result = cache.get(key)
                if result is None:
                    return func(request, *args, **kwargs)
                return Response(result)
            return cached_func
        return decorator
    @method_decorator(cached_get(cache_key_func=get_cache_key), name="get")
    class SomeView(BaseView):
    def get_cache_key(request):
        # do arbitrary processing on request, the following is the naïve melody
        key =  urllib.urlencode(request.query_params)
        return key 

    So the solution is to use Django's built-in method_decorator which applies its first argument, a decorator, to the decorated class's method, named by the second argument, name, to method_decorator. I define a higher-order function, cached_get, which takes another function as its argument, and returns a curried function (closure, so called). By calling this, with the function get_cache_key (and not, mind you, invoking that function) I have a decorator that will be applied to the 'get' method on SomeView.

    The decorator itself is a straightforward Python decorator -- in this application, it is cached_func and the original, undecorated get method is func. Thus, cached_func replaces SomeView.get, so when SomeView.get is called, it first checks the cache, but falls back to the undecorated method on a miss.

    I'm hopeful this approach provides a balance of generic applicability with content-aware key derivation.