I am using the regular expression below to capture all numbers/letters after a underscore but I need to capture only the second occurence i.e "00500" as you see below:
regular expresion: (?<=_)[a-zA-Z0-9]+
"-rw-rw-rw- 1 rats rats 31K Sep 17 13:33 /opt/data/automation_sent/20180918/labc/0/20180918_00500.itx"
I am doing in C# and I thought the value would be in the second group[1] but it is not; it only captures the string "_sent":
string temp2 = "";
Regex getValueAfterUnderscore = new Regex(@"(?<=_)[a-zA-Z0-9]+");
Match match2 = getValueAfterUnderscore.Match(line);
if (match2.Success)
temp2 = match2.Groups[1].Value;
Any ideas? Thank you!
you can use the following code that capture text after second underscore
var line = "-rw-rw-rw- 1 rats rats 31K Sep 17 13:33 /opt/data/automation_sent/20180918/labc/0/20180918_00500.itx";
string temp2 = "";
Regex getValueAfterUnderscore = new Regex(@"_.+_([a-zA-Z0-9]+)");
Match match2 = getValueAfterUnderscore.Match(line);
if (match2.Success)
temp2 = match2.Groups[1].Value;