I am trying to process the following JSON that I receive from an API.
I can get a basic mapping working with:
require "json"
message = "{\"product\":\"midprice\",\"prices\":[[\"APPLE\",\"217.88\"],[\"GOOGLE\",\"1156.05\"],[\"FACEBOOK\",\"160.58\"]]}"
class Midprice
product: String,
prices: Array(Array(String)),
midprice = Midprice.from_json(message)
p midprice.product # Outputs the String
p midprice.prices # Outputs
Crystal 0.26.1 Code: https://play.crystal-lang.org/#/r/515o
But ideally I would like prices to be a hash with the stock name as the key and the price as the value. Can this be done with JSON.mapping?
is going to be removed in favor of JSON::Serializable
and annotations. You can use it like:
class Midprice
include JSON::Serializable
getter product : String
@[JSON::Field(converter: StockConverter.new)]
getter prices : Hash(String, String)
You need to use a converter
to modify prices
into the format that you want.
In this case the input is an Array(Array(String))
and the output is a Hash(String, String)
which is a different type. You need to implement a custom from_json
method for your converter.
class StockConverter
def initialize
@prices = Hash(String, String).new
def from_json(pull : JSON::PullParser)
pull.read_array do
pull.read_array do
stock = pull.read_string
price = pull.read_string
@prices[stock] = price
Here's the full working code: https://play.crystal-lang.org/#/r/51d9