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How to generate a number representing the sum of a discrete uniform distribution

Step 1:

Let's say that I want to generate discrete uniform random numbers taking the value -1 or 1. So in other words I want to generate numbers having the following distribution:

P(X = -1) = 0.5
P(X =  1) = 0.5

To generate an array of 100 of those numbers I can write this code:

n   = 100
DV  = [-1,1];          % Discrete value
RI  = unidrnd(2,n,1);  % Random uniform index
DUD = DV(RI);          % Discrete uniform distribution

My DUD array looks like: [-1,1,1,1,-1,-1,1,-1,...]

Step 2:

Now I would like to generate 10 numbers equal to sum(DUD), so 10 numbers having a distribution corresponding to the sum of 100 numbers following a discrete uniform distribution.

Of course I can do that:

for ii = 1:10
    n   = 100;
    DV  = [-1,1];          % Discrete value
    RI  = unidrnd(2,n,1);  % Random index
    DUD = DV(RI);          % Discrete uniform distribution
    SDUD(ii) = sum(DUD);



   2   2  -6  -2  -4   2   4   4   0   2 

Is there a mathematical/matlab trick to do that ? without using a for loop.

The histogram of SDUD (with 10000 values and n=100) looks like this:

enter image description here


It will be great if the original discrete values could be modified. So instead of [-1,1] the discrete value could be, for example, [0,1,2], each with an occurence p = 1/number_of_discrete_value, so 1/3 in this example.


  • For two values

    That's essentially a binomial distribution (see Matlab's binornd), only scaled and shifted because the underlying values are given by DV instead of being 0 and 1:

    n = 100;
    DV = [-1 1];
    p = .5; % probability of DV(2)
    M = 10;
    SDUD = (DV(2)-DV(1))*binornd(n, p, M, 1)+DV(1)*n;

    For an arbitrary number of values

    What you have is a multinomial distribution (see Matlab's mnrnd):

    n = 100;
    DV = [-2 -1 0 1 2];
    p = [.1 .2 .3 .3 .1]; % probability of each value. Sum 1, same size as DV
    M = 10;
    SDUD = sum(bsxfun(@times, DV, mnrnd(n, p, M)), 2);