Hello Everyone I want to ignore this .00
from string number. Below is my sample input and need output. I have tried this code. String.Format ("{0: n}", Amount)
but problem in this code.
If value is 10000. 00
My code will convert it into "10, 000.00"
but I need only "10, 000"
Please help me to fix the issue.
More examples:
10000.00 -> "10,000"
10000.12 -> "10,000.12"
10000.1 -> "10,000.10"
So you have some kind of money: we output cents if and only if we have them:
10000.00 -> 10,000 (no cents; exactly 10000)
10000.003 -> 10,000 (no cents; still exactly 10000)
10000.1 -> 10,000.10 (ten cents)
10000.12 -> 10,000.12 (twelve cents)
10000.123 -> 10,000.12 (still twelve cents)
The last three cases we can format out as "#,0.00"
and the first two will be correct with "#,0"
format string. The only problem is to distinguish the cases.
We can try using Math.Round()
for this
string result = d.ToString(Math.Round(d) != Math.Round(d, 2) ? "#,0.00" : "#,0");
decimal[] tests = new decimal[] {
string report = string.Join(Environment.NewLine, tests
.Select(d =>
$"{d,-10} -> {d.ToString(Math.Round(d) != Math.Round(d, 2) ? "#,0.00" : "#,0")}"));
10000.00 -> 10,000
10000.003 -> 10,000
10000.10 -> 10,000.10
10000.12 -> 10,000.12
10000.123 -> 10,000.12