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onChange event does not fire with FormControl and ControlValueAccessor (angular 6)

I am trying to wrap a ng-select ( component with a custom component, I am using ControlValueAccessor with a reactive form,

export class ShNgSelectComponent implements OnInit, OnChanges, 
ControlValueAccessor {
   @Input() shItems: Array<object>;
   @Input() shBindValue: string;
   @Input() shBindLabel: string;
   @Input() shPlaceholder: any;

  @Output() shChange = new EventEmitter<Object>();

  ngOnInit() {  

  writeValue(value: any): void {
    this.shItems = value || '';


  registerOnChange(fn) {
    this.propagateChange = fn;

  registerOnTouched() { }

here is the template for the sh-ng-select

<ng-select [items]='shItems' [bindValue]='shBindValue' [placeholder]='shPlaceholder' [bindLabel]='shBindLabel' (change)='propagateChange($event)'></ng-select>

and here is the main component where i want to embed my custom component

<sh-ng-select [shItems]='manufactureList' [shFormGroup]='requestForm' (shChange)='getModels($event)' formControlName="manufactureId" [shPlaceholder]='"اختر الشركة المصنعة"' [shBindValue]='"id"' [shBindLabel]='"name"'></sh-ng-select>

the shChange event fires normally before i add the formControlName, but once I do the event does not fire, and the console does not throw any error......why is that?


  • For me when you add the formControlName it bind everything it need to work, so it will call the registerOnChange , registerOnTouched, writeValue... since he call the registerOnChange and do "this.propagateChange = fn" the propageChange method will no longer reference the one you define :


    So the shChange event emitter is not called anymore

    For more information, making components working with [(ngModel)] / formControlName repeat the same pattern, here you can find a simple implementation that you could extend to use in your component :

    A simple component using it :