I want to import methods from .dll files in MVC and run them in a Controller's action. Is it possible using using MEF? Is yes, how should I proceed?
I finally got it working. Writing this answer in case someone gets struck here.
Interface DLL
namespace MefContracts
public interface IPlugin
String Work(String input);
Plugin which contains the required method
namespace Plugin
public class Mytest:MefContracts.IPlugin
public String Work(String input)
return "Plugin Called from dll with (Input: " + input + ")";
(Include this in your main MVC project). This class contains the function which links all the imports and exports.
namespace MyTest
public class Program
private CompositionContainer _container;
public MefContracts.IPlugin plugin;
public Program()
var catalog = new AggregateCatalog();
catalog.Catalogs.Add(new DirectoryCatalog(@"D:\Temp"));
_container = new CompositionContainer(catalog);
catch (CompositionException compositionException)
Finally calling this method from your Controller
public class HomeController : Controller
Program p = new Program();
public ActionResult Index()
ViewBag.Message = p.plugin.Work("test input");
return View();