I have added 2 folders in public
1- a folder named 'index' contains index.html.
2- a folder named 'about contains index.html.
I've hosted these 2 folders on firebase but firebase isn't picking index.html from index folder, but if I paste directly in root it picks it up, why is this so? I also want to add one thing more that linking to just 'about' folder it automatically picks index.html file from about folder whenever I want to navigate from index to about.
I want to achieve this
instead of this
You should use one or more rewrites and/or redirects, see the documentation here: https://firebase.google.com/docs/hosting/url-redirects-rewrites
For example, the following firebase.json
file would work:
"hosting": {
"public": "public",
"redirects": [ {
"source" : "/contact",
"destination" : "/contact/contact.html",
"type" : 301
} ],
"rewrites": [
"source": "**",
"destination": "/index/index.html"
"ignore": [
Note that instead of "a folder named about contains index.html" we use in the above config a folder named contact
which contains a contact.html