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Is it possible to create Windows Form apps on Mac OS?

I'm studying Informatics Engineering, and my teacher uses a Windows PC to teach us Windows Forms. My question is: Can I do my Windows Forms homework on my mac? I'll install Visual Studio of course.


  • Can you do the Windows Forms homework on your Mac? Maybe.

    Should you try to do the Windows Forms homework on your Mac? Probably not.

    • The Mono version is a different implementation of Forms and you're going to run into bugs, missing features, etc.
    • You're going to end up debugging environment differences. Mono/OSX vs Windows, VS for Mac vs VS proper, etc.
    • You'll end up in more trouble if they provide bat/powershell scripts, require another Windows-only library, etc.

    The end result being either you'll spend a lot of time trying to use things you receive from someone else, or (even worse) they won't be able to run what you turn in.
