I want to do the folloing in C++:
Two cases:
I found a tutorial for searialization: http://www.functionx.com/cpp/articles/serialization.htm. Is this the way to go? In python I could do:
def setAndPackCommand(self, object):
outFile = StringIO.StringIO()
pickledC = pickle.dump(object, outFile) # this packs object to outFile
stringToSend = outFile.getvalue() # decoding to string
def unpackAndExecute(self, stringToReceive):
inFile = StringIO.StringIO()
inFile.seek(0, 0)
receivedC = pickle.load(inFile)
In this code the main point are pickle.dump and pickle.load. What are the C++ counterparts? Wikipedia says that c++ does not support serialization? What is the link above then?
What does binary serialization mean? memory is dumped to disk and deserialization needs exactly the same computer (no cross-platform transfers)?
br, Juha
I would also recommend using a stable library like boost.serialization
for serializing data.
If you are new to serialization, it means transforming objects into a data representation suitable for transmission or storage and rebuilding them from that data representation. The difficulty is not really big with so-called PODs (Plain Old Data objects). You can transmit the buffer as data and cast it back after the transfer by taking care of the data alignment and byte ordering (endianness). It becomes more complicated if objects reference other objects, and then it makes really sense to use a well designed library. Boost's serialization also supports versionning so you can update your format and keep up and backward compatible readers and writers (with some effort of course)