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Compute normal vectors for this airfoil

Given a data-set of X-Y coordinates in a matrix of 61x2 for points of an airfoil. How would I go about creating normal vectors along each point along the airfoil. I've plotted the airfoil so far:

Picture of the airfoil.


  • Let us assume that your airfoil is closed.

    To calculate the normals at each points you can average the normals to each segment.

    This should take care of the trailing edge issue…

    I suppose your data is x, y

    xtmp1 = [x, x(1)]
    ytmp1 = [y, y(1)]
    xtmp2 = [x(end), x]
    ytmp2 = [y(end), y]
    nx =   (diff(ytmp1)+diff(ytmp2))/2.0
    ny =  -(diff(xtmp1)+diff(xtmp2))/2.0

    nx will contain x-component of your normal and ny will contain y-component of your normal

    of course you can normalize the result if you want normals of equal length

    ntmp = 1.0 ./ sqrt(nx.*nx+ny.*ny)
    nx = nx .* tmp
    ny = ny .* tmp

    As suggested you can also normalize each segment's normal and then average as such

    xtmp1 = [x, x(1)]
    ytmp1 = [y, y(1)]
    xtmp2 = [x(end), x]
    ytmp2 = [y(end), y]
    nxF =   diff(ytmp1)    
    nyF =  -diff(xtmp1)
    nxB =   diff(ytmp2)
    nyB =  -diff(xtmp2)
    ntmp = 1.0 ./ sqrt(nxF.*nxF+nyF.*nyF)
    nxF = nxF .* tmp
    nyF = nyF .* tmp
    ntmp = 1.0 ./ sqrt(nxB.*nxB+nyB.*nyB)
    nxB = nxB .* tmp
    nyB = nyB .* tmp
    nx = (nxF+nxB)/2.0
    ny = (nyF+nxB)/2.0

    And then normalize nx and ny