For downsampling a signal, I use a FIR filter + decimation stage (that's practical a strided convolution). The big advantage of combining filtering and decimation is the reduced computational cost (by the decimation factor).
With a straight forward OpenCL implementation, I am not able to benefit from the decimation. Quite to the contrary: The convolution with a decimation factor of 4 is 25% slower than the full convolution.
Kernel Code:
__kernel void decimation(__constant float *input,
__global float *output,
__constant float *coefs,
const int taps,
const int decimationFactor) {
int posOutput = get_global_id(0);
float result = 0;
for (int tap=0; tap<taps; tap++) {
int posInput = (posOutput * decimationFactor) - tap;
result += input[posInput] * coefs[tap];
output[posOutput] = result;
I guess it is due to the uncoalesced memory access. Though I can not think of a solution to fix the problem. Any ideas?
Edit: I tried Dithermaster's solution to split the problem into coalesced reads to shared local memory and convolution from local memory:
__kernel void decimation(__constant float *input,
__global float *output,
__constant float *coefs,
const int taps,
const int decimationFactor,
const int bufferSize,
__local float *localInput) {
const int posOutput = get_global_id(0);
const int localSize = get_local_size(0);
const int localId = get_local_id(0);
const int groupId = get_group_id(0);
const int localInputOffset = taps-1;
const int localInputOverlap = taps-decimationFactor;
const int localInputSize = localInputOffset + localSize * decimationFactor;
// 1. transfer global input data to local memory
// read global input to local input (only overlap)
if (localId < localInputOverlap) {
int posInputStart = ((groupId*localSize) * decimationFactor) - (taps-1);
int posInput = posInputStart + localId;
int posLocalInput = localId;
localInput[posLocalInput] = 0.0f;
if (posInput >= 0)
localInput[posLocalInput] = input[posInput];
// read remaining global input to local input
// 1. alternative: strided read
// for (int i=0; i<decimationFactor; i++) {
// int posInputStart = (groupId*localSize) * decimationFactor;
// int posInput = posInputStart + localId * decimationFactor - i;
// int posLocalInput = localInputOffset + localId * decimationFactor - i;
// localInput[posLocalInput] = 0.0f;
// if ((posInput >= 0) && (posInput < bufferSize*decimationFactor))
// localInput[posLocalInput] = input[posInput];
// }
// 2. alternative: coalesced read (in blocks of localSize)
for (int i=0; i<decimationFactor; i++) {
int posInputStart = (groupId*localSize) * decimationFactor;
int posInput = posInputStart - (decimationFactor-1) + i*localSize + localId;
int posLocalInput = localInputOffset - (decimationFactor-1) + i*localSize + localId;
localInput[posLocalInput] = 0.0f;
if ((posInput >= 0) && (posInput < bufferSize*decimationFactor))
localInput[posLocalInput] = input[posInput];
// 2. wait until every thread completed
// 3. convolution
if (posOutput < bufferSize) {
float result = 0.0f;
for (int tap=0; tap<taps; tap++) {
int posLocalInput = localInputOffset + (localId * decimationFactor) - tap;
result += localInput[posLocalInput] * coefs[tap];
output[posOutput] = result;
Big improvement! But still, the performance does not correlate with the overall operations (not proportional to the decimation factor):
The performance has a optimum for a decimation factor of 4. Why is that? Any ideas for further improvements?
Edit 2: Diagram with shared local memory:
Edit 3: Comparison of the performance for the 3 different implementations
Due to the amount of data overlap (66%), this could benefit from sharing data read from memory between work items, within a workgroup. You could get rid of redundant reads and also make coalesced reads. Break you kernel up into two parts: The first part does coalesced reads for all the data needed within the work group, into shared local memory. Then a memory barrier to synchronize. Then in the second part do the convolutions using reads from shared local memory.
P.S. Thanks for the diagram, it helped me understand your goal more quickly than trying to read code.