I want to add some HTML formatted text to a template in Polymer 3. This HTML comes from a function (which gets the string from a translation file using 'localize'), like:
This is <sup>®</sup> text.
The only way that I found to do this, is by adding a DIV tag to the template with some class (myText value comes from function):
return html`
<div class="marker">[[myText]]</div>
...and then in the ready() function, query this element and changing its innerHTML and replacing the text (in this case ®) by surrounding it with <sup>
ready() {
var me = this;
var elements = me.shadowRoot.querySelectorAll(".marker");
elements.forEach(element => {
element.innerHTML = element.innerHTML.replace("®","<sup>®</sup>");
This works, but I don't like the timeout approach, as I will never be sure that it will always work and you see the changes with a small delay.
The reason that I use the timeout however, is because I don't find any lifecycle event in which I'm sure that all elements have been rendered and available. For example, if I use dom-if, those elements are not rendered yet in the ready() event; and so I get back 'null' from querySelectorAll.
So my question is: is there another way (so not using the timeout approach) to add a HTML formatted string (that comes from a function) to an element in the template?
Solution was actually quite simple:
return html`
<div inner-h-t-m-l="[[myText]]"></div>