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How to compare two commits in Bitbucket server

Is there a way to compare two commits in Bitbucket server?

For bitbucket cloud, you can enter a URL as follows into your browser:

(per this discussion:

The same thing (as well as lots of other functionality) does not seem to work in Bitbucket server as I get a 404 error.


  • The not supported on Bitbucket Server.

    You can use REST API that utilizes to diff arbitrary commits. Here is the documentation on that REST API endpoint.

    The command line for diffs is: "git diff A B", where it shows the changes from A to B. The REST URL looks like


    (where A and B have the same relevance). That will list all the files that changed.

    You can call /rest/api/latest/projects/KEY/repos/slug/diff/?since=A&until=B. Write the file path you want the diff for after "/diff/" and before "?since".


    You will have to include a path after {{/diff}}. You can't just ask for the entire diff.