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IE: iFrame Showing, and No Borders *Says Boss*

Hello Everyone and Good Morning,

I am working with the page:

And it works in ALL my browsers Execpt IE. I dont have IE so I am kinda flying in the dark as far as fixing it. My boss is saying something about the iframe border showing in IE and w/e else any of you IE'ers can see. Also the font on the index page BEHIND the modal is showing tiny font.

I am on a mac and desprately need a way to see IE in the future, BUT can anyone help me fix this this morning?

iFrame Showing in IE
Tiny Font behing Modal in Index Page.

Thank You all very much, as always.



  • Instead of border:none, try setting the border to an explicit value:

    style="border:0px solid #fff; overflow:hidden; width:100px; height:21px;"

    Also, try setting the display selector to block.

    I have this style on an iFrame, and the border does not display in IE:

    style="border:0px solid #FFF; display:block; left:0; top:0px; height:100%; width:100%;

    Also, you have an extra comment in your Javascript, causing an error:

    $(".example5").colorbox({innerWidth:686, innerHeight:624 ->,<- }