Hi I am very new to Angular and programming in general and I have been trying to query the Amadeus low-fare-search with Angular HTTPClient
and failing, I have been looking around for answers, but havent found anything specific to this, I have found some answers related to the specific problem of "unable to identify proxy".
And according to some the reason for this is that the URL is incorrect. But this is the URL on Amadeus page
This is the code i am trying to run :
return this.http.get('http://api.sandbox.amadeus.com/v1.2/flights/low-fare-search?origin=IST&destination=BOS&departure_date=2018-10-15&return_date=2018-10-21&number_of_results=3&apikey=my API key')
.subscribe((data) =>{
(err) => {console.log(err)});
Here is the error message
errorcode: "messaging.adaptors.http.flow.ApplicationNotFound" faultstring:"Unable to identify proxy for host: default and url: /v1.2/flights/low-fare-search"
Can someone explain to me in simple terms what could be causing this error?
In your example, you are using http instead of https
I tested your example and it works for me: