Originally I asked why pcolor and contourf don't work with this method, and I assumed they were symptoms of the same problem. This is not true, hence the new question.
Why does this not work with contourf? (and how do i get it to work?)
stuff = uicontextmenu('Parent',ancestor(axes,'figure'));
stuffm = uimenu('Parent',stuff,'Label','Change something');
x = randn(10);
h = contourf(x);
% pcolor works! contourf does not
%h = pcolor(x)
You're trying to assign the context menu to the wrong object.
The first output of contourf
, as noted in the docs, is the "contour matrix", you want the handle to the object:
[M,c] = contourf(___)
returns the contour matrix and the contour objectc
. Usec
to set properties after displaying the contour plot.
So just change your code as follows:
[~,h] = contourf(x); % 2nd output is the object handle
Result is a working context menu:
Note you were also creating axes twice, I think the 2nd time is unintentional when creating the context menu, fix this like so:
ax = axes; % assign new axes to variable for later use
stuff = uicontextmenu('Parent',ancestor(ax,'figure')); % use ax, not new axes