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FFmpeg - dnxhd Bitrate Won't Take

In and attempt to make my recordings more digestible for video editors I'm trying to re-encode my files to DNxHR, after a few hiccups I got solid output with this command:

ffmpeg -ss 00:08:20 -i \\ASEXYCAPTUREPC\Users\djcim\Videos\Main\Magewell\Mage00.ts -map 0 -c:v dnxhd `
-profile:v dnxhr_hq -b:v 250M -acodec copy -ss 00:00:10 -t 00:00:20 `

However it doesn't seem like it's taking my specified bitrate, when I probe the file with ffprobe:

ffprobe -i [input file] -show_streams

it says bit_rate=1739980800 which comes out to 1700M if I'm not misaken, far above the 250M I want.

Not sure if this is the only factor but the result is huge files, around 12GB a minute while the source file itself is 10 minutes long but only 15GB.

The source file is also encoded / recorded using FFmpeg and has a resolution / frame rate of 3440x1440 @ 100FPS with a 250MB bitrate.

Any ideas? Really hoping to get these files much smaller.


  • The DNx encoders don't accept bespoke ratecontrol. The quantization parameters are fixed. Output bitrate is a function of frame size, framerate and pixel format.