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Turbo C / VGA x86 assembly: Copy from ram to vram

I'm just having fun with turbo c to draw "sprites" on an 8086/286 (emulated with pcem) with an MCGA/VGA card.

Compiled with turbo c 3.0 it should work on real 8086 with MCGA. I'm not using the VGA mode x because it is a bit complex and I don't need extra vram for the things I want to do, even if there is some flickering on the screen, it's ok :).

In C, I have a bunch of memcpys moving data from the loaded sprite struct to the VGA in mode 13:

byte *VGA=(byte *)0xA0000000L;    
typedef struct tagSPRITE             
    word width;
    word height;
    byte *data;

void draw_sprite(SPRITE *sprite){
    int i = 0; int j = 0; 

The goal is to convert that code to a specific assembly function to speed things just a bit.

(editor's note: this was the original asm attempt and text that an answer was based on. See the revision history to see what happened to this question. It was all removed in the last edit, making only the asker's own answer make sense, so this edit tries to make both answers make sense.)

I tried to write it in assembly with something like this, which I'm sure has huge mistakes:

void draw_sprite(SPRITE *sprite){
        mov ax,0A000h
        mov es,ax           /* ES points to the video memory */

        mov di,0            /* ES + DI = destination video memory */
        mov si,[]/* source memory ram ???*/
        mov cx,16           /* bytes to copy */

        rep movsb           /* move 16 bytes from ds:si to es:di (I think this is the same as memcpy)*/

        add di,320          /* next scanline in vram */         
        add si,16           /* next scanline of the sprite*/
        mov cx,16   

        rep movsb           /* memcpy */


I know the ram address can't be stored in a 16 bit register because it is bigger than 64k, so mov si,[] is not going to work.

So How do I pass the ram address to the si register? (if it's possible).

I know I have to use ds and si registers to set something like a "bank" in "ds", and then, the "si" register can read a 64k chunk of the ram, (so that movsb can move ds:si to es:di). But I just don't know how it works.

I also wonder if that asm code would be faster than the c code (on an 8086 8 Mhz, or a 286), because you don't have to repeat the first part every loop.

I'm not copying from vram to vram for the moment, because I'd have to use the mode X and that's another story.


  • Thanks to Michael Petch, Peter Cordes, and everybody. I got the answer.

    The assembly code to copy data to the vga video memory looks like this:

    DGROUP          GROUP    _DATA, _BSS
    _DATA           ENDS
    _BSS            SEGMENT   WORD PUBLIC 'BSS'             
    _BSS            ENDS
                PUBLIC _draw_sprite       
    _draw_sprite    proc    far 
        push bp
        mov bp,sp
        push ds
        push si
        push di
        lds     bx,[bp+6]
        lds     si,ds:[bx+4]        ; sprite->data to ds:si
        mov     ax,0A000h
        mov     es,ax                       
        mov     di,0                ; VGA[0] to es:di
        mov     ax,16               ; 16 scan lines
        mov     cx,8
        rep     movsw               ; copy 16 bytes from ds:si to es:di
        add     di,320-16           ; go to next line of the screen
        dec     ax
        jnz     copy_line
        pop di
        pop si
        pop ds
        mov sp,bp
        pop bp
    _draw_sprite    endp

    Declare the function in c as:

        void draw_sprite(SPRITE *spr);

    Data stored at spr->data, is an array of numbers (from 0 to 255, storing the color of a pixel).

    That code finally draws the 16x16 bitmap at position x = 0, y = 0.

    Thanks a lot!