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How to handle click event of two FlowLayoutPanel with some dynamically created controls?

I have two FlowLayoutPanel controls on the same form with some controls on both of them. What O want is that if FlowLayoutPanel1 controls are clicked, I want to change label1.Text and if FlowLayoutPanel2 controls are clicked, I want to change label2.Text.

Here is my code to add controls in both FlowLayoutPanel.

public void Load_DFlavours(FlowLayoutPanel FLP)
        using (SQLiteConnection con = new SQLiteConnection(AppSettings.ConnectionString()))
            using (SQLiteDataAdapter sda = new SQLiteDataAdapter("Select distinct(Flavour_Name) From Flavours Where Category_Name = 'Flavours' Order By Flavour_Name", con))
                DataTable dt = new DataTable();
                foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
                    RadioButton rb2 = new RadioButton();
                    rb2.AutoSize = true;
                    rb2.Font = new Font("Segoe UI Semilight", 10F);
                    rb2.Margin = new Padding(2);
                    rb2.Text = dr["Flavour_Name"].ToString();
                    rb2.UseVisualStyleBackColor = true;
                    rb2.Tag = dr["Flavour_Name"].ToString();


                    rb2.CheckedChanged += Rb2_CheckedChanged;
    catch (SQLiteException se)

Clickevent Code:

private void Rb2_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
    RadioButton rb2 = (RadioButton)sender;
    string flavour = rb2.Tag.ToString();

    //I want to do something here if flowlayoutPanel 1 control is 
    clicked change the label1.Text and if flowlayoutPanel 2 control is 
    clicked change the label2.text

    //I have tried this
        label1.text = flavour;

How to know which FlowLayoutPanel Controls are clicked?

I can do this by creating multiple methods but I want to do this work on the same method.

For more clarification, see this image:

See the image


  • Don't have a computer to check right now, but I assume this should work

    if (rb2.Checked)    
        if (rb2.Parent.Name == "flowlayoutPanel1")
            label1.Text = flavour;
        else if (rb2.Parent.Name == "flowlayoutPanel2")
            label2.Text= flavour;