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Weird Magento 500 Internal Server Errors

I run a Magento app and I made some updates in my server through WHM today, after that I'm getting the "Error 500".

The weird thing is that this error not appears all time. For exemple, if I open the same page in different tabs, in a row, 10 times, about 4 of these 10 tabs will get the error 500. What this might be?

I also enabled the errors log through php.ini configurations, but I'm not getting a specific new information

The updates that I made:

Some new apache modules installed:

• mod_file_cache

• mod_http2

PHP Changes:

• Updated php5.4 to php5.5, and I uninstalled the php5.4 after this

• php55-php-opcache installed

• php55-php-zendguard UNinstalled

What change could have caused this?

Thanks a lot in advance


  • I resolved this problem just enabling the PHP-FPM.