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How to tell if Newtons-Method Fails

I am creating a basic Newton-method algorithm for an unconstrained optimization problem, and my results from the algorithm are not what I expected. It is a simple objective function so it is clear that the algorithm should converge on (1,1). This is confirmed by a gradient descent algorithm I created previously, here:

def grad_descent(x, t, count, magnitude):
    gradvalues.append(np.array([dfx1(x), dfx2(x)]))
    x = temp
    magnitude = mag(dfx(x))    

    return xvalues, gradvalues, fvalues, count

My attempt at creating an algorithm for Newtons-Method is here:

def newton(x, t, count, magnitude):

  while count < 10:

    x = temp
    magnitude = mag(dfx(x))    
    if count > 100:
  return xvalues, gradvalues, fvalues, count

Here is the objective function and gradient function:

f = lambda x: 100*np.square(x[1]-np.square(x[0])) + np.square((1-x[0]))
dfx = lambda x: np.array([-400*x[0]*x[1]+400*np.power(x[0],3)+2*x[0]-2, 200*(x[1]-np.square(x[0]))])

Here are the initial conditions. Note that alpha and beta are not used in the newton method.

x0, t0, alpha, beta, count = np.array([-1.1, 1.1]), 1, .15, .7, 1
magnitude = mag(np.array([dfx1(x0), dfx2(x0)]))

To call the function:

xvalues, gradvalues, fvalues, iterations = newton(x0, t0, count, magnitude)

This produce very strange results. Here are the first 10 iterations of the xvalues, gradient values, and function solution for its respective x input:

[array([-1.1,  1.1]), array([-0.99315589,  1.35545455]), array([-1.11651296,  1.11709035]), array([-1.01732476,  1.35478987]), array([-1.13070578,  1.13125051]), array([-1.03603697,  1.35903467]), array([-1.14368874,  1.14364506]), array([-1.05188162,  1.36561528]), array([-1.15600558,  1.15480705]), array([-1.06599492,  1.37360245])]
[array([-52.6, -22. ]), array([142.64160215,  73.81918332]), array([-62.07323963, -25.90216846]), array([126.11789251,  63.96803995]), array([-70.85773749, -29.44900758]), array([114.31050737,  57.13241151]), array([-79.48668009, -32.87577304]), array([104.93863096,  51.83206539]), array([-88.25737032, -36.308371  ]), array([97.03403558, 47.45145765])]
[5.620000000000003, 17.59584998020613, 6.156932949106968, 14.29937453260906, 6.7080172227439725, 12.305727666787176, 7.297442528545537, 10.926625703722639, 7.944104584786208, 9.89743708419569]  

Here is the final output:

final_value = print('Final set of x values: ', xvalues[-1])
final_grad = print('Final gradient values: ', gradvalues[-1])
final_f = print('Final value of the object function with optimized inputs: ', fvalues[-1])
final_grad_mag = print('Final magnitude of the gradient with optimized inputs: ', mag(np.array([dfx1(xvalues[-1]), dfx2(xvalues[-1])])))
total_iterations = print('Total iterations: ', iterations)

a 3d plot is shown here code:

x = np.array([i[0] for i in xvalues])
y = np.array([i[1] for i in xvalues])
z = np.array(fvalues)
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.gca(projection='3d')
ax.scatter(x, y, z, label='Newton Method')

Is the reasoning for this because the initial guess is so close to the optimal point, or is there some error in my algorithm that I am not catching? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. It looks like the solution may even be oscillating, but it is difficult to tell


  • So I finally figured out what was going on with this. It was all about what data structures Python was storing my variables as. As such, I set all my values to 'float32' and initialized the variables being iterated. Working code is here:

    Note: a lambda function is an anonymous function useful for single-line expressions

    f = lambda x: 100*np.square(x[1]-np.square(x[0])) + np.square((1-x[0]))
    dfx = lambda x: np.array([-400*x[0]*x[1]+400*np.power(x[0],3)+2*x[0]-2, 200*(x[1]-np.square(x[0]))], dtype='float32')
    dfx11 = lambda x: -400*(x[1])+1200*np.square(x[0])+2
    dfx12 = lambda x: -400*x[0]
    dfx21 = lambda x: -400*x[0]
    dfx22 = lambda x: 200
    hessian = lambda x: np.array([[dfx11(x), dfx12(x)], [dfx21(x), dfx22(x)]], dtype='float32')
    inv_hessian = lambda x: inv(hessian(x))
    mag = lambda x: math.sqrt(sum(i**2 for i in x))
    def newton(x, t, count, magnitude):
      temp = np.zeros((2,1))
      while magnitude > .000005:
        deltaX = np.array(, dfx(x)))
        temp = np.array(x+t*deltaX)
        x = temp
        magnitude = mag(deltaX)    
      return xvalues, gradvalues, fvalues, count
    x0, t0, alpha, beta, count = np.array([[-1.1], [1.1]]), 1, .15, .7, 1
    xvalues, gradvalues, fvalues, iterations = newton(x0, t0, count, magnitude)
    final_value = print('Final set of x values: ', xvalues[-1])
    final_grad = print('Final gradient values: ', gradvalues[-1])
    final_f = print('Final value of the object function with optimized inputs: ', fvalues[-1])
    final_grad_mag = print('Final magnitude of the gradient with optimized inputs: ', mag(np.array([dfx1(xvalues[-1]), dfx2(xvalues[-1])])))
    total_iterations = print('Total iterations: ', iterations


    Final set of x values:  [[0.99999995]
    Final gradient values:  [[ 9.1299416e-06]
    Final value of the object function with optimized inputs:  [5.63044182e-14]
    Final magnitude of the gradient with optimized inputs:  1.02320249276675e-05
    Total iterations:  9
           [ 1.1]]), array([[-1.00869558],
           [ 1.00913081]]), array([[-0.25557778],
           [-0.50186648]]), array([[-0.24460602],
           [ 0.05971173]]), array([[ 0.97073805],
           [-0.53472879]]), array([[0.97083687],
           [0.94252417]]), array([[0.99999957],
           [0.99914868]]), array([[0.99999995],