My little project is progressing well, however I'm stumbling over something which is probably stupid...
Somehow, when I open the application, nothing gets focus, I have to use the "tab" key to be able to move the focus to the commandbar and to be able to use the keyboard shortcuts.
And then....
WHen I use the Scrollviewer to move the image or zoom, I cannot use the keyboard shortcuts again, until I use the "tab" to move it to the commandbar.
I've tried
a bit everywhere in the app where I think that it may be useful, to no avail. I've also tried to use the Keyboard Accelerators, but it does not help. Any tips?
Here is my XAML code:
<DataTemplate x:Key="myResourceTemplate">
<TextBlock Text="{Binding}" MaxHeight="10" FontSize="8" HorizontalAlignment="Left" VerticalAlignment="Top" FontWeight="Bold" LineHeight="9" Height="Auto" />
<CommandBar x:Name="cmdbar" ClosedDisplayMode="Compact" HorizontalAlignment="Left" HorizontalContentAlignment="Left" VerticalAlignment="Center" KeyUp="kb_openkey" Opacity="1" Visibility="Visible" Background="#260000FF">
<AppBarButton Icon="ZoomIn" Label="AppBarButton" Tapped="Zoomin_Click"/>
<AppBarButton Icon="ZoomOut" Label="AppBarButton" Tapped="Zoomout_Click"/>
<AppBarToggleButton x:Name="randomstatus" Icon="Shuffle" Label="Random" Tapped="Togglerandom"/>
<... a bunch of other buttons >
<Grid x:Name="imggrid" Background="Black" BorderBrush="Black" KeyUp="kb_openkey">
<ScrollViewer x:Name="imageView_scroller" HorizontalScrollBarVisibility="Disabled" VerticalScrollBarVisibility="Disabled" ZoomMode="Enabled" RequestedTheme="Dark" KeyUp="kb_openkey">
<Image x:Name = "ctlImage" Grid.Column ="0" VerticalAlignment = "Stretch" HorizontalAlignment = "Stretch" Stretch = "Uniform"
ManipulationMode = "TranslateX, TranslateY, Scale"
ManipulationStarted = "ctlImage_ManipulationStarted"
ManipulationDelta = "ctlImage_ManipulationDelta"
ManipulationCompleted = "ctlImage_ManipulationCompleted"
<CompositeTransform x:Name="image_Transform" ></CompositeTransform >
</Image.RenderTransform >
And here is how I handle keyboard input:
void kb_openkey(object sender, KeyRoutedEventArgs e)
if ((int)e.Key >= 1 && (int)e.Key <= 255)
switch ((int)e.Key)
case 70: //A
case 65: //A
.... dothat....;
@touseefbsb, very useful!!! Thanks! This handles the key no matter what has got focus and is being clicked on.
So my code is, for reference:
In XAML, in the page section, add:
And in the C# portion, add:
//Add the key handler method to the KeyDown handlers
private void initkbd(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
Window.Current.CoreWindow.KeyDown += kb_openkey;
cmdbar.Content = "Added to keys";
//Remove the keyhandler method from the list
private void unloadkbd(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
Window.Current.CoreWindow.KeyDown -=kb_openkey;
and then, the key handler looks like this:
private void kb_openkey(CoreWindow sender, KeyEventArgs e)
//Mark the event as handled
e.Handled = true;
int keypressed = (int) e.VirtualKey;
//Than handle the key, based on its keycode
if ((int)keypressed >= 1 && (int)keypressed <= 255)
switch (keypressed)
case 70: //F
//do something when F is presed
case 76: //L dialog to show items
//Do something when L is pressed