I am using the autograd
tool in PyTorch
, and have found myself in a situation where I need to access the values in a 1D tensor by means of an integer index. Something like this:
def basic_fun(x_cloned):
res = []
for i in range(len(x)):
res.append(x_cloned[i] * x_cloned[i])
return Variable(torch.FloatTensor(res))
def get_grad(inp, grad_var):
A = basic_fun(inp)
return grad_var.grad
x = Variable(torch.FloatTensor([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]), requires_grad=True)
x_cloned = x.clone()
print(get_grad(x_cloned, x))
I am getting the following error message:
[tensor(1., grad_fn=<ThMulBackward>), tensor(4., grad_fn=<ThMulBackward>), tensor(9., grad_fn=<ThMulBackward>), tensor(16., grad_fn=<ThMulBackward>), tensor(25., grad_fn=<ThMulBackward>)]
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/mhy/projects/pytorch-optim/predict.py", line 74, in <module>
print(get_grad(x_cloned, x))
File "/home/mhy/projects/pytorch-optim/predict.py", line 68, in get_grad
File "/home/mhy/.local/lib/python3.5/site-packages/torch/tensor.py", line 93, in backward
torch.autograd.backward(self, gradient, retain_graph, create_graph)
File "/home/mhy/.local/lib/python3.5/site-packages/torch/autograd/__init__.py", line 90, in backward
allow_unreachable=True) # allow_unreachable flag
RuntimeError: element 0 of tensors does not require grad and does not have a grad_fn
I am in general, a bit skeptical about how using the cloned version of a variable is supposed to keep that variable in gradient computation. The variable itself is effectively not used in the computation of A
, and so when you call A.backward()
, it should not be part of that operation.
I appreciate your help with this approach or if there is a better way to avoid losing the gradient history and still index through a 1D tensor with requires_grad=True
However, I am getting this new error, caused by the A.backward()
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<project_path>/playground.py", line 22, in <module>
print(get_grad(x_cloned, x))
File "<project_path>/playground.py", line 16, in get_grad
File "/home/mhy/.local/lib/python3.5/site-packages/torch/tensor.py", line 93, in backward
torch.autograd.backward(self, gradient, retain_graph, create_graph)
File "/home/mhy/.local/lib/python3.5/site-packages/torch/autograd/__init__.py", line 84, in backward
grad_tensors = _make_grads(tensors, grad_tensors)
File "/home/mhy/.local/lib/python3.5/site-packages/torch/autograd/__init__.py", line 28, in _make_grads
raise RuntimeError("grad can be implicitly created only for scalar outputs")
RuntimeError: grad can be implicitly created only for scalar outputs
I changed my basic_fun
to the following, which resolved my problem:
def basic_fun(x_cloned):
res = torch.FloatTensor([0])
for i in range(len(x)):
res += x_cloned[i] * x_cloned[i]
return res
This version returns a scalar value.