I am creating an app for a public transports app, and I would need to compute itineraries.
However, I am not sure about what algorithm to use? A classic pathfinding algorithm like Dijkstra's or A*?
The fact that I have to handle both
makes me wonder what to choose precisely.
Thanks for helping 😀
Mods: Feel free to move the question to the appropriate place if my post isn't where it belongs
Dijkstra vs A* :
A* is faster to compute but can give wrong result, Dijkstra will find the shortest/fastest path all the time.
I'd use Dijkstra for that application.
pseudo-code :
class Path
List<Node> nodesOfThePath;
int length;
List<Path> paths = findAllLinksRelatedTo(startPoint); //You have to write a function to get the nodes linked to the given point
paths.Sort(); //sort using the length, ascending
while (paths.length > 0)
if (paths[0].getLastestNode() == FinalPoint)
return (paths[0]); //this is the shortest one
List<Path> tempPaths = findAllLinksRelatedTo(paths[0].getLastestNode()); //get all nodes related to the lastest one of the shortest actual path or null if none was found
paths.removeAt(0); //remove the shortest path
foreach (tempPath in tempPaths)
return (null); //no path found