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In Bot Framework, what Unique ID should I use to save session?

I am using bot framework and I am saving the session.messageAddress so I can send the user a msg later. I want to track each unique user I get. In case if they send me another msg again I will know I have already received a msg from them earlier. What unique ID should I use to identify the user?

I was thinking of using, is this correct?


  • Refer to

    Every bot and user has an account within each channel. The account contains an identifier (id) and other informative bot non-structural data, like an optional name. Example: "from": { "id": "[email protected]", "name": "John Doe" }

    You should use to identify the user. Using the conversation id won’t work because the user can start a new conversation with the bot by simply reloading the web chat page and a new conversation id will be generated.


    I mistakenly wrote to identify the user. The correct way to do it is!

    Note that the message object that comes within the session looks like this

    Say that the user John Doe is chatting to the bot through Skype then = "[email protected]" and = "John Doe". And there you have it! your unique user id!

    The session object will look like this:

                "id": "[email protected]",
                "name": "John Doe"