I have a doubt related to dependency injection using Google Guice.
I have a trait which has few implemented methods
trait ATrait {
def someMethodA(parameters: ArgType) = {
def someMethodB(parameters: ArgType) = {
object A extends ATrait
Now I have a class B, where I need methods of Atrait. So I have injected it.
class B @Inject(a: ATrait) {
I have also given the binding in Guice module class.
class GuiceModule extends AbstractModule {
override def configure(): Unit = {
Now when I create an object of class B,
val b = new B()
It won't let me do that, so my question is if I have to pass manually object of ATrait. What is the use of Google Guice Injection?
I might have done some mistake because I am learning this. Please guide me if I have not understood something correctly.
Thanks in advance.
Guice doesn't work in that way. If you want a new root object you need to ask Guice for a new instance.
val injector = Guice.createInjector(new GuiceModule())
val a:ATrait = injector.getInstance(classOf[ATrait])