How can I print a stargazer table when summary=F and a character column has elements containing &
? summary=F
prints the data table verbatim which is what I want.
Here's a case where it prints as expected:
> stargazer::stargazer(
+ data.frame(ur1=c('hot','tamale'),yum='!')
+ ,type='text',summary=F)
ur1 yum
1 hot !
2 tamale !
And here the &
is split into two columns.
> stargazer::stargazer(
+ data.frame(ur1=c('hot & tamale'),yum='!')
+ ,type='text',summary=F)
ur1 yum
1 hot tamale
The same behavior happens in html and latex modes as well. In latex it's easy to hack a fix for a character by commenting out the &
a la gsub(x,pattern='&',replacement='\\&',fixed=T)
but that fix doesn't work for html and replacing it with the entity &
still causes the split. While it would be easy to use kable
or simple markdown to print the table, I want my this kind of table to have the same style as the stargazer regression tables.
I hope someone can help! Also, I couldn't find a development repo to report it if it's a bug.
I do have the latest version of stargazer:
> devtools::session_info()
Session info ------------------
setting value
version R version 3.4.4 (2018-03-15)
system x86_64, linux-gnu
ui RStudio (1.1.419)
language (EN)
collate en_US.UTF-8
tz Etc/UTC
date 2018-09-14
Packages ----------------------
stargazer 5.2.2 2018-05-30 CRAN (R 3.4.4)
It's a very hacky solution, but you could insert a tab (\t
) and a backspace (\b
) escape sequence right before the &
. This seems to work for type = "text"
and type = "html"
, but not type = "latex"
dat <- data.frame(ur1=c('hot & tamale', 'hot & taco') ,yum='!')
dat[, 1] <- gsub("&", "\t\b&", dat[, 1])
stargazer::stargazer(dat, type = "text", summary=F)
ur1 yum
1 hot & tamale !
2 hot & taco !