I have simplified the code to illustrate the problem:
proc iml;
call ExportMatrixToR(var, "var" );
submit / R;
sample<-sample(1:var, 50, replace=TRUE)
call ImportDataSetFromR( "WORK.rdata", "sample" );
proc means data=rdata;
output out=a;
How to have a better control of var
, for example, if I would like to try different value of var=(20,40,80,100,120...)
, how to accomplish that like people can do easily in a Macro?
Please note that the rdata
is transported from R to SAS to be analyzed, so we might need to create different data.frames in R with names depending on the value of var
Any easier way?
Dr. Wicklin, I have your book on my desk, it is amazing. Thank you so much for taking time to answer the question.
I tried your code and it worked perfectly, but I forgot to mention that my simulated data has a character variable. The submitted R code looks like this:
submit Ni / R;
sample<-sample(1:&Ni, 50, replace=TRUE)
df<-data.frame(sample, group)
I tried to work around your code to accommodate this feature but SAS log keep saying "Variable group has type inconsistent with the data set". Could you help?
proc iml;
N = do(20, 120, 20);
ID = 1; sample = .; group="";
create rdata var {ID "sample" "group"}; /* open data set for writing */
do i = 1 to ncol(N);
Ni = N[i]; /* get the i_th parameter; pass in on the SUBMIT statement */
submit Ni / R;
sample<-sample(1:&Ni, 50, replace=TRUE)
call ImportMatrixFromR(sample, "sample");
call ImportMatrixFromR(group, "group");
ID = j(nrow(sample), 1, i); /* also save ID variable */
append; /* write IML data to SAS data set */
close rdata;
proc means data=rdata;
by ID; /* analyze all the results in a single call */
output out=a;
I assume you want to try these values sequentially, like in a loop? If so, your question is perhaps better phrased as, "how to call R repeatedly in a loop and retrieve the results for further processing in SAS."
First, read the article "Twelve advantages to calling R from the SAS/IML language." The first item describes how to call R in a loop and provides an example. The third item shows how to pass parameters from SAS into R.
Next, read the article "Simulation in SAS: The slow way or the BY way", which describes how to construct a SAS data set so that you can perform repeated computations in an efficient manner. Combining those two ideas leads to the following program structure:
Here's an example:
proc iml;
N = do(20, 120, 20);
ID = 1; sample = .; /* we will write a numeric variable */
create rdata var {ID "sample"}; /* open data set for writing */
do i = 1 to ncol(N);
Ni = N[i]; /* get the i_th parameter; pass in on the SUBMIT statement */
submit Ni / R;
sample<-sample(1:&Ni, 50, replace=TRUE) # access parameter in R
call ImportMatrixFromR(sample, "sample"); /* create IML var; copy from R */
ID = j(nrow(sample), 1, i); /* also save ID variable */
append; /* write IML data to SAS data set */
close rdata;
proc means data=rdata;
by ID; /* analyze all the results in a single call */
output out=a;
In the program, I've hard-coded the vector {20, 40, 60,...}. You could equally well get those values from a macro variable or from an input data set. For example
data NValues;
input Vals @@;
20 40 60 80 100 120
proc iml;
use NValues; read all var "Vals"; close;
N = T( Vals );
/* ...etc ... */