I have the following code:
var fxRate = new FxRate();
which is giving me the following StyleCop ReSharper warning:
The variable name 'fxRate' begins with a prefix that looks like Hungarian notation.
I have tried copying the Settings.StyleCop file to my solution folder and adding an entry for fx:
<Analyzer AnalyzerId="StyleCop.CSharp.NamingRules">
<CollectionProperty Name="Hungarian">
I've restarted VS but I still get the same warning. I am using the StyleCop ReSharper extension in VS2017.
How do I ensure 'fx' is a valid prefix in the solution (for all team members)?
I updated ReSharper to 2018.2.1 and the now the values in the the file:
<CollectionProperty Name="Hungarian">
are getting successfully recognised. This makes the warning go away.
I'm not sure if it was the update itself or something like a cache being cleared.