I have those 2 entities in my symfony project : house and software.
Many Home can have many software and Many software can belongs to many home
I'm trying to get only the Homes that have , let's say the software n° 1 + software n°2.
Actually I've managed to retrieve the Homes that have software n°1 and those that have software n°2 but not both those that have soft 1 + soft2
If I'm not wrong, It should be a Inner join join, right ?
Here's my entities and repository's method :
class Software {
* @ORM\ManyToMany(targetEntity="App\Entity\Home", mappedBy="softwares")
private $homes;
public function __constuct() {
$this->homes = new ArrayCollection();
// ...
public function getHomes(){ ... }
public function addHome(Home $home){ ... }
// ...
class Home {
* @ORM\ManyToMany(targetEntity="App\Entity\Software", inversedBy="homes")
private $softwares;
public function __constuct() {
$this->softwares = new ArrayCollection();
public function getSoftwares(){ ... }
public function addSoftware(Software $software){ ... }
Home repository
class HomeRepository extends ServiceEntityRepository {
public function innerJoinSoftware($softIds)
$qb = $this->createQueryBuilder('c')
->innerJoin('c.softwares', 's')
->andWhere('s.id IN(:softIds)')
->setParameter('softIds', $softIds)
return $qb->getQuery()->getResult();
To illustrate my point :
Home1 has soft1, soft2
Home2 has soft1, soft3
Home3 has soft2, soft3
What I wanna do is something like
dump(homeRepo->innerJoinSoftware([1, 2]));
//should output Home1 but actually I have
//it outputs Home1, Home2, Home3
Here's the SQL version I came out with, but I'm still not able to do it with Doctrine
SELECT home.id, home.name FROM Home as home
SELECT home_id as home_id, COUNT(home_id) as count_home
FROM home_software
WHERE software_id IN (1, 2)
GROUP BY home_id
HAVING count_home = 2) as soft # count_home should be dynamic
ON home.id = soft.home_id
ORDER BY home.name
Here's how I solve this problem (helped by the raw SQL I've posted)
public function findBySoftwaresIn($softIds)
//retrieve nbr of soft per home
$nbrSoftToFind = count($softIds);
$qb = $this->createQueryBuilder('h');
$qb->innerJoin('h.softwares', 's')
->andWhere('h.id IN (:softIds)')
->setParameter('softIds', $softIds)
//looking for home coming back by nbrSoft
->andHaving($qb->expr()->eq($qb->expr()->count('h.id'), $nbrSoftToFind))
->groupBy('h.id')//dont forget to group by ID
return $qb->getQuery()->getResult();