Working with IcCube 6.8, I Have a Hierarchy called [Pole_UM_UF_PH].[Pole_UM_UF (PH)] with 4 levels as following :
Using MDX, I want to show only Poles and their UM (possibly the ALL-M on TOP, but not the Structure nor UF)
I tried using following MDX but it permits to drill on Structure and UF.
select [Measures].[Nb RUM] on 0,
non empty {[Pole_UM_UF_PH].[Pole_UM_UF (PH)].[All-M] + [Pole_UM_UF_PH].[Pole_UM_UF (PH)].[Pole] + [Pole_UM_UF_PH].[Pole_UM_UF (PH)].[UM]} on 1
from [Cube]
Is there a way to do that without recreating a new Hierarchy containing only Pole and UM ?
I do not think this is possible without creating a new hierarchy.
Even using a perspective hiding the level [Structure] would mean the level [UF] is not visible anymore.