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v8-compile-cache-0 directory appears when deploying to Digital Ocean via Codeship

I am deploying to Digital Ocean via Codeship. Following this example, Codeship runs the following custom script in the Droplet:

ssh root@<MY_IP> 'cd /var/www/example/backend/; git checkout master; git pull; npm install;'

This all runs fine. However, when I SSH into my Droplet from my local machine, the changes are not reflected within the git repo. Instead, there is a directory called v8-compile-cache-0. Reading the description of the npm package of that name does not further my understanding.

What is going on here, and how do I get my pulled changes properly reflected in the Droplet?


  • This all runs fine

    Stringing together commands with semicolons may silence issues with commands that would otherwise be returning nonzero exit codes.

    I'd first attempt re-running this build using double ampersands instead and then reaching out to if changes are still not reflected in your droplet.